[Gvsig_english] gvSIG 1.9 OADE 2010: North arrow error on Vista-Xp

Benjamin Ducke benjamin.ducke at oxfordarch.co.uk
Thu Mar 4 15:48:16 CET 2010

Hi Silvio,

indeed, we integrated a recent patch from SVN and it
broke the North arrow tool. I will fix this for the
final version of OADE 2010.

Thanks for you input!


----- Original Message -----
From: "silvio grosso" <grossosilvio at yahoo.it>
To: "gvsig internacional" <gvsig_internacional at runas.cap.gva.es>
Sent: Monday, March 1, 2010 1:52:24 PM GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Bern / Rome / Stockholm / Vienna
Subject: [Gvsig_english] gvSIG 1.9 OADE 2010: North arrow error on Vista-Xp

Hello everybody,

I have been trying the latest build of gvSIG 1.9 OADE 2010 BETA.
I am working on Windows Vista Premium (sp2) and Windows xp professional (sp3).
With this latest build I have tried the raster options (e.g. georeferencing an  image) and other simple things (e.g. loading Ecw files and so on).
Everything works as expected both on Windows xp and Windows Vista :-)
On the contrary, I can't find a way to insert the North Arrow in the Map. 
Maybe I am doing something wrong, because inserting a North Arrow, for me, as always worked fine in the past, with other gvSIG versions.

In short:
1. I open a new Map;
2. I click on the button of the North Arrow;
3. I drag a black rectangle over my map (to choose the North Arrow size);
4. I select my North Arrow (among the list of them);
5. When I click accept (ok) an error always pops up (java.lang.NullPointerException).
I have attached the log file (with Windows xp).

This occurs both on Windows xp prof. and Windows Vista Premium.
I have tried to do this option on the same P.c (the one with Windows xp prof) with a gvSIG 1.9 portable version (Java 1.6 machine).
With this different gvSIG 1.9 build the North arrow option works fine (no error at all). 
In other words, the North arrow is inserted in the Map as expected.

Best regards,


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