[Gvsig_english] gvSIG 1.9.1
Benjamin Ducke
benjamin.ducke at oxfordarch.co.uk
Mon Mar 29 14:33:00 CEST 2010
> > We just take the current gvSIG OADE 2010 sources,
> > fix the remaining 2 or 3 critical bugs and release
> > that as gvSIG 1.9.1!
> It makes sense if we skip the stabilization process. The problem is:
> Do we skip it? If so, can we call it a stable version? If not, who is
> going to perform the stabilization process?
That depends on the intended status of gvSIG 1.9.1: (a) perfectly stabilized
or (b) production use ready and available for deployment soon?
Personally, I would prefer taking a shortcut to (b). The current situation is
very bad for users and needs to be resolved fast.
> Maybe the stabilization process is not important for you, because you
> have fixed those bugs, but for some organizations it's important, as
> they cannot rely on a beta or unofficial version.
That would change as the 1.9.1 (1.9.2, etc) code base would no longer
be a beta and no longer be unofficial, either.
> Would OA afford a stabilization process? If so, from gvSIG we can help
> to teach how to do it.
I doubt we have the resources for this. But if you could send me some
details about what needs to be done (possibly off-list), then I can
check the feasibility.
> >
> > 2. Because this means a production use ready and maintained
> > (by me alone if I have to) version of 1.9.x would be
> > available, this would immediately take pressure off
> > the 2.0 development.
> Yes, that's true ... for developers. Not true for other people
> (testers, collaboration managers, release cycle people, ...).
I can't really judge this but I can't see any negative effects,
that my suggestions would have on them, either.
> >
> > 3. At the time of writing, the number of modifications
> > I have made to the 1.9 sources is probably greater than
> > the number of modifications from other devs, so it would
> > be efficient: I only need to merge a few recent SVN
> > changes from your side, and the new SVN code is ready.
> I think that can be clarified with a skype chat with developers who
> have made commits on 1.9.X :-)
> >
Or alternatively by counting the entries in my dev log and
in the SVN history of 1.9.1. But it doesn't really matter.
All we need is an efficient way to merge all code changes.
I am open to suggestions, but I am also the only one here at
OA working on the gvSIG source code, and I would like to focus
on bug fixing. If I have to submit my long list of patches,
then that will take a lot of my resources.
> > 4. GvSIG OADE 2010 Beta 2 is already out and you can
> > test it to convince yourselves that the changes are
> > working OK.
> Well, you are using some beta components, so for being convinced, a
> full stabilization process should be performed. After that, everybody
> (OA, gvSIG, community) will be convinced.
It seems to me that the only component of a "beta quality" is currently
the Remote Sensing extension. And that one can be disabled in the installer.
> >
> > 5. OA could continue releasing an "OA branded" version
> > geared towards our archaeological users. This would
> > include things such as archaeological sample data and
> > support for Mac OS X (which is common among archaeologists).
> > We would also keep providing binaries with our customized
> > installer. You could just add links from the main gvSIG
> > download page to these installers.
> >
> > What do you think?
> I think it makes sense if we both work on the same code base (and
> docs, L10N files, bugtracking, ...). We like to see contributions from
> people like you, if you are willing to collaborate and work together.
> BTW, do you intend to shift from a beta to a stable version?
Yes, the final version of gvSIG OADE 2010 should be available very soon.
The following things will change with the final version:
- ship with SEXTANTE 0.6.0
- fix a few remaining, critical bugs (mostly Remote Sensing extension)
- update documentation
- provide a Mac OS X version (possible with a few weeks delay)
> >
> > Ben
> >
> >
> >
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