[Gvsig_english] "InterpolateClippingProcessTest running... " during the compiling process looks like looping without end

luca bianconi lc.bianconi at googlemail.com
Tue May 18 22:42:58 CEST 2010

Hi all,

I've followed as usual the compilation instructions as in  documentation [1]

When I reach the point 11 the compiling process seems going alright but it
reaches a point with this message in the console:

[artifact:mvn]   PostInitializing library
[artifact:mvn] *************************************************
[artifact:mvn] *** InterpolateClippingProcessTest running... ***
[artifact:mvn] *************************************************

The problem is that the compiling process don't finish but when it reaches
this "InterpolateClippingProcessTest" remains "looping" and it never ends.

Have you ever find something like that?

Well, I have no problem in compiling again my own copy of gvSIG with the mvn
install-without-tests target but it could be interesting knowing if someone
have encountered the same annoyance and knowing why or how to fix it .


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