[Gvsig_english] Eclipse RCP with gvSIG

Jordi Torres jtorresfabra at gmail.com
Thu Apr 7 12:08:25 CEST 2011

Hi Tobias,

Maybe off-topic, but you may have license conflicts between EPL and GNU/GPL.


2011/4/7 Juan Lucas Domínguez Rubio <juan_lucas_dr at yahoo.com>

> Hello, Tobias:
> I don't have much experience in 'improper' integration between gvSIG and
> Eclipse SWT (I mean, things like embedding AWT controls in a SWT context or
> using some kind of library wrapping), but I have done some tests regarding
> gvSIG libraries in a SWT context.
> As you perhaps know, the application gvSIG Mobile is using a simplified
> version of gvSIG 1.X mapping libraries.
> I wrote a little 'unofficial' version of gvSIG Mobile for Linux devices
> (such as the Openmoko phone or the Nokia N810 tablet) with less
> functionalities than the 'official' gvSIG Mobile but including some other
> new features.
> At that time, I found no JVM for those devices that could use the AWT
> classes (used by gvSIG and gvSIG Mobile). Instead, the Eclipse SWT library
> was working fine on them, so I changed the gvSIG mapping libraries to make
> them graphic context independent, and then reimplemented the needed classes
> to use Eclipse SWT classes. Essentially, I did this:
> - Take the mapping library of gvSIG 1.X (libFMap) and replace all the
> occurrences of the classes Graphics2D and Image (this includes all the
> BufferedImage), with some Java interfaces created by you. So, for ecample in
> the FLyrVect class, instead of:
> public void draw(Graphics g, ViewPort vp) throws FMapDriverException { ...
> }
> you will have:
> public void draw(IGraphics g, ViewPort vp) throws FMapDriverException { ...
> }
> (IGraphics is a new Java interface)
> Before doing this, I removed a lot of drivers from libFMap which were not
> interesting. I also applied this transformation to the WMS driver and added
> it to my workspace.
> - create a new Java project with those Java interfaces (the new libFMap
> will depend on this project)
> - create another Java project containing an implementation of those Java
> interfaces. Here is where you would use the SWT library to implement all the
> needed methods (such as drawing a line, creating an image, pasting an image
> on a graphic context, etc.)
> - then, at the beginning of the application, you create a SWT-based factory
> that is able to instantiate all those SWT-based graphic resources and
> methods, and use it across the application.
> There are a lot of other important things I had to do from scratch, for
> example the table of contents (TOC) and of course all the GUI (dialogs). I
> also split the libFMap project in different parts (libGeom, libRender, etc).
> This was the resulting workspace:
> https://svn.prodevelop.es/public/labs/gvsigmobileonopenmoko/trunk/
> and these are a couple screenshots of the aplication:
> http://gvsigmobileonopenmoko.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/carta_2007.jpg
> (WMS layer + 2 little shapefiles)
> http://gvsigmobileonopenmoko.files.wordpress.com/2009/07/nokia_31468.jpg
> (ArcIMS layer)
> I have never done it myself, but I presume in the Eclipse RCP-based
> applications you eventually will have to use the SWT graphic classes I used,
> especially:
> org.eclipse.swt.graphics.GC
> org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Image
> So that would be one way to properly integrate gvSIG in the Eclipse RCP
> platform.
> After my little experience, I think that the Eclipse SWT graphic context is
> less powerful and slower than the AWT Graphics2D class. I did not
> investigate it deeply but I think AWT has better access to the device's
> graphic hardware capabilities and therefore drawing is faster and more
> flexible.
> Regards,
> Juan Lucas Domínguez Rubio
> http://gvsigmobileonopenmoko.wordpress.com
> http:// <http://gvsigmobileonopenmoko.wordpress.com/>foss4gis.blogspot.com<http://tellusproject.blogspot.com>
> --- On *Wed, 4/6/11, Neumann, Tobias <tobias.neumann at berner-mattner.com>*wrote:
> From: Neumann, Tobias <tobias.neumann at berner-mattner.com>
> Subject: [Gvsig_english] Eclipse RCP with gvSIG
> To: gvsig_internacional at listserv.gva.es
> Date: Wednesday, April 6, 2011, 7:35 AM
> Hello,
> I am interested in your experiences with the gvSIG software embedded in
> Eclipse RCP. I want to start up a project using these technologies. Anyone
> did this before? Are there some points I have to focus on?
> Thank you very much!
> Best regards,
> Tobias
> Tobias Neumann, M.Sc. in Geogr.
> Softwareingenieur
> Tel: +49 89 608090-276
> Fax: +49 89 6098182
> E-Mail: Tobias.Neumann at berner-mattner.com
> Web: www.berner-mattner.com
> Berner & Mattner Systemtechnik GmbH
> Erwin-von-Kreibig-Str. 3
> D-80807 München
> Geschäftsführer: Hans Berner, Dr. Klaus Eder, Dr. Jan-Oliver Wenzel
> Registernummer: HR B 83252 beim Amtsgericht München
> Sitz der Gesellschaft: München
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Jordi Torres Fabra

gvSIG 3D blog
Instituto de Automática e Informática Industrial
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