[Gvsig_english] WFS services

Rahkonen Jukka Jukka.Rahkonen at mmmtike.fi
Wed Aug 3 11:46:56 CEST 2011


It was a wrong guess then.  xs:short was a problem with iGeoDesktop and Kosmo when using my own TinyOWS WFS server.  GvSIG is reading the whole layers OK but there are some still not analysed problems with attribute and spatial filter.  I will try to find time to dig deeper with the problems and report about them later.  My server  can be used for testing.  URL is

I have made some short videos about using WFS with a bunch of open source GIS clients.  GvSIG video about loading the whole featute type without filters is at  A few more can be found at http://latuviitta.org/Video-ohjeet.php  Kosmo videos are the only ones at the moment demostrating the use of filters.  

-Jukka Rahkonen

 Jorge Piera Llodrá wrote:

> Hi Jukka.

> The error is a programming error (a casting exception). The gvSIG WFS
client is not based on deegree, at least not the 1.11 version. The
xs:short type should be supported.

> By the way, it would be good to let user select lower WFS version than the maximum supported by the server. WFS 1.0.0 may sometimes work even 1.1.0 fails.
I agree with you. It could be a feature request.


> -Jukka Rahkonen-
>   ernesto sferlazza wrote:
>> Hello, I have produced some WFS services (using ArcGIS Server), and
>> ancountered the following problem using them on gvSIG:
>> if I try with WFS services concerning linear features, it works if the
>> WFS version is 1.0.0 [1], whereas it doesn't work if the version is
>> 1.1.0 [2].
>> For polygons [3] and points, it works with both versions.
>> I used gvSIG 1.11 on windows XP
>> Is it a bug?
> [1] http://wms.pcn.minambiente.it/cgi-bin/mapserv.exe?map=/ms_ogc/wfs/rete_stradale_wfs_f33.map&
> [2] http://www.provincia.agrigento.sitr.it/ArcGIS/services/grafo_WFS/MapServer/WFSServer
> (it works correctly using ArcGIS Deskop)
> [3] http://www.provincia.agrigento.sitr.it/ArcGIS/services/ImpBirdAreas/MapServer/WFSServer
> Best regards
> --
> ing. Ernesto Sferlazza
> responsabile nodo provinciale di Agrigento del SITR Sicilia
> resp. gruppo Sistema Informativo Territoriale
> Provincia regionale di Agrigento
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> sede operativa: via Acrone, 27 - 92100 AGRIGENTO
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Jorge Piera Llodrá
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