[Gvsig_english] Gvsig mini - hi all! contributions / planned features

simon thepot simon.thepot at gmail.com
Thu Jan 27 14:43:47 CET 2011

I just began to develop my own application and chose gvSIG mini as it seems
robust and promising ; thanks for developping this great application.

Yet, after having spent several days in the code, I think some refactor may
be made (as mentionned in the header's comment in the activity/map.java

- Are you planning to refactor in the month to come ? (I have to build a
first version of my software in this delay)
- Is there a way to contribute to gvSIG mini and possibly see some patch
merged upstream ?
(Troll question: are you planning to move to git ;))

- Do you plan to integrate vector feature import ? (GML etc. ?)
- Is there an explanation for not using thrid party lib like the Geotools
lib for Java ? (eg: for handling projection, geometry etc.)

Thanks a lot,

Simon Thépot aka djcoin
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