[Gvsig_english] Query on why gvSIG CE came about

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas jsanz at gvsig.com
Tue Jun 28 15:55:05 CEST 2011

El 28/06/11 15:26, Wolfgang Qual escribió:
> Dear all,
> I have the feeling that this discussion is not really objective. Both sides
> blame each other and
> even the discussion is "forked". I think, it would be better to use only one
> list for this discussion. 
> (see
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?thread_name=42328.99650.qm%40web27906.mail.ukl.yahoo.com&forum_name=gvsigce-community):

Well this is the international gvSIG mailing list, running since Sept
2005 [1] so I wonder if your message was to the CE list.

> Benjamin wrote at the ce-users list:
> "Unfortunately, many of the improvements in gvSIG OADE 2010 never
> were merged back in. Most essentially, most of the hard work on
> the GUI and menu structure was rejected. One of the aims of 
> gvSIG CE is to preserve these, and merge with the changes for
> gvSIG 1.11/1.12.
> The procedure for getting external contributions into CIT's
> gvSIG code base is painfully time-consuming. I have found
> it impossible to comply with their procedure given my limited
> resources. It is what drove me away from their project in the end.
> I want to program and create, not follow someone else's procedures.
> Other people here have their own reasons."
> Best,
> Wolfgang

Procedures are the way all we know what's going on, who has the ball at
any time and where responsibilities are. With a common set of rules and
procedures the world works. If someone doesn't like the rules we can
discuss about them and see how to improve them, they are not written on
a stone.

Other groups of developers agree and help us to improve them taking a
more wide vision for the good of the project and community, not just to
fulfil their immediate problems. They are providing patches, some take
so long to be integrated, yes, we are working on it, but claiming we are
not collaborating is a very different thing.

I hope anyone reading this understand what I'm trying to explain. I love
these discussions (that's obvious) but I'd love to hear other
impressions not just how patches are coming but what gvSIG team is doing
to block any other community activity.


[1] http://osgeo-org.1803224.n2.nabble.com/Problems-with-WCS-td2010770.html

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
gvSIG Team at Prodevelop
Technical Collaborations Manager

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