[Gvsig_english] gvSIG Mini 2.0 alpha

刘应杰 lyj_uptech at 126.com
Mon Feb 20 10:57:29 CET 2012

Hi Alberto :
      that is great we got the gvsig Mini 2.0 alpha,I'll test this apk and send the bug report to you.
      By the way ,i have a doubt about how can we load .gpx into gvSIG mini
       1.I got the description here (in the weekly log)
       23/07 - 29/07

Developed a VectorGPEDriver to parse gpx, kml and gml files
Built an Android Activity to allow a user to select a local file and load it into gvSIG Mini

      2.I test the example file KMLLayerMap.java. But errors happened while loading the .kml file

      so how can I load the gpx or kml file into the gvSIG mini and highlight the route ?

          thank you.


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