[Gvsig_english] gvSIG 1.11: add consecutive numbers to selection?

Antonio Falciano afalciano at yahoo.it
Fri Mar 30 12:14:55 CEST 2012

Il 30/03/2012 9.28, "Jose Manuel Vivó Arnal ( Chema )" ha scritto:
> In last gvSIG Conference, Victor Acevedo presented scripting[1] plug-in
> in 2.0 version (only in Spanish, sorry).
> Some of this features are available in gvSIG 1.x.
> [1]http://www.viddler.com/v/460c5103

Hi Chema,
thanks for sharing Victor Acevedo's presentation about the new scripting
capabilities in gvSIG 2.0. It's very interesting to see how scripting
will be more simple and flexible for all users. Now we need only more
samples, documentations and an official gvSIG script repository! ;)


Antonio Falciano

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