[Gvsig_english] gv_SIG 1.12 problems

Di Marino Mina mina.dimarino at aalto.fi
Thu Mar 21 15:32:52 CET 2013

Dear All,

We are using gv.SIG 1.12  in the Urban Lab at the Department of Architecture - Aalto University of Helsinki.
Unfortunately I noticed many conflicts between gv.SIG 1.12 and 64 bits version of Windows 7:

I already knew about the possibility to force the application to use 32bits Java virtual machine http://blog.gvsig.org/2013/02/28/solution-for-gvsig-1-12-problems-in-windows-64bits-operative-systems/.

I tried to do it in the computers room, but unfortunately the university does not allow to use 32bits Java. The IT services have installed  64 bits  version of Windows 7 on all the computers.

Does exist any solution to make compatible  gv.SIG 1.12 and 64 bits version of Windows 7?

I look forward to hearing from you.


Mina Di Marino
Post-Doc Researcher
Department of Architecture,
Otakaari 1
Aalto University, School of Art, Design and Architecture
P.O. Box 11300, FI-00075 AALTO
+358 504091311
mina.dimarino at aalto.fi<mailto:mina.dimarino at aalto.fi>

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