[Gvsig_english] gvSIG 2.0 Novelties

gvSIG News Office press at gvsig.com
Wed May 22 18:23:53 CEST 2013

During the last weeks several posts about the gvSIG Desktop novelties have been published at the gvSIG Blog [1]. With them we try to make known all these novelties with more details. Until now, the posts that have been published are: 

- Scripting, exploit your gvSIG (III): Generate a polygon from a course
- Symbols library “OSM”
- “Google” symbols library
- Scripting, exploit your gvSIG (II). Creating a buffer
- Mirrors for downloads 
- Add-ons manager
- How to create symbol libraries (II)
- Raster data tile cache and WMTS 
- gvSIG 2.0 on 64 bits or Java 1.7 systems 
- Additional feature for managing CRS 
- gvSIG 2.0: Scripting, exploit your gvSIG (I)
- How to create symbol libraries (I)

In the last weeks new posts will be published, as well as the translation of the last ones in Spanish. Some of them will be related to the new add-ons that will be available for this version. They will be able to be installed from the Add-ons Manager. 

[1] http://blog.gvsig.org/category/languages/english/ 

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