[Gvsig_english] Visibility analysis

Michael Patrick geodesy99 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 26 16:46:33 CEST 2013

> The number of pixels of the binary viewshed whose value is equal to 1
(i.e. the sum of all the values within the search radius) will represent
the score of each point. Higher is the score, more visible from different
places the point will be. It could be calculated with the SEXTANTE "Basic
statistics" tool.

IF you have a really, really large raster, you can also gain some more
rapid conversion by accomplishing the calculation for scoring by sorting
according to other criteria ( elevation, curvature, etc.). One needs to be
cautious though, such criteria can work in counterintuitive ways. For
instance, using elevation if the raster is mostly a dome shaped terrain
feature vs. a bowl shape like a crater.

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