[Gvsig_english] Problem creating

Mario Carrera mcarrera at gvsig.com
Wed Jan 27 15:44:20 CET 2016

El 27/01/16 a las 15:14, Antonio Falciano escribió:
> Il 27/01/2016 14:57, Mario Carrera ha scritto:
>> Yes, it seems there's an error when it's a multipoint layer. It creates
>> 4 points for each one. I've created a ticket:
>> https://redmine.gvsig.net/redmine/issues/4060
> Mario, it's not an error of the geoprocesses (Geometries to points or
> Separate multipart features). Each multipoint is made of three point, as
> I have shown before. That's why the points are triplicated!
> So you can invalidate #4060. 

Ok, I didn't know if it was a problem at the layer. I've tried now with
other multipoint layer and it works fine.

I've invalidated it then :-)


> Cheers,
> Antonio

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