[Gvsig_english] EPSG codes for Portugal

Mario Carrera mcarrera at gvsig.com
Thu Jun 1 14:46:26 CEST 2017

Hi Antonio,

where have you seen that interpretation? We've been reviewing the ESRI 
code 102164, EPSG:5018 and EPSG:20790 information in gvSIG and in 
spatialreference.org and the parameters are the same, it seems that 
there isn't any error.

If you select the EPSG:20790 it should work.

Could you send us a screenshot where you see the link between ESRI and 
EPSG codes?

Best regards,

El 31/05/17 a las 18:10, Associação de Municípios TERRAS DO INFANTE 
> Hello to everyone,
> gvSIG V. 2.3.1  is incorrectly interpreting the ESRI code 102164 
> (“Lisboa_Hayford_Gauss_IGeoE”) as EPSG:5018 (“Lisbon / Portuguese Grid 
> New”).
> Correct interpretation of this ESRI code is: EPSG:20790 (“Lisbon 
> (Lisbon) / Portuguese National Grid”).
> Regards
> Antonio
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