[Gvsig_english] Online GVSIG Course

Mario Carrera mcarrera at gvsig.com
Thu Mar 8 10:47:10 CET 2018

Hi Boniswa,

these modules about gvSIG Online are part of the course about GIS for 
municipality management, which is free, and you don't need to register.

About registration for gvSIG Online platform, as mentioned at the post 
about that module [1] you can't perform the exercise directly because an 
implementation of the platform is necessary, but you can see everything 
that can be done with gvSIG Online, a very interesting tool for 
municipality management, complementing with gvSIG Desktop and gvSIG Mobile.

If you are interested in implementing gvSIG Online you can contact us, 
writing to this mail address: info en gvsig.com, where we will inform you 
about it.

Kind regards,


El 08/03/18 a las 09:46, Boniswa B.G.B. Taju escribió:
> Good day
> I would like to enquire about registration or the above-mentioned 
> course.  How do I commence or register for  the course?
> Kind regards,
> Boniswa Taju
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*Mario Carrera*

Training, Language and Communication Manager. gvSIG Association

Responsable de Formación, Internacionalización y Difusión. Asociación gvSIG

http://www.gvsig.com <http://www.gvsig.com/>

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