[Gvsig_english] The software I downloaded appears to be in Chines3

Mario Carrera mcarrera at gvsig.com
Mon Jan 7 12:40:58 CET 2019

Hi Sean,

when you installed the application you had to select the language of the 
installer, and the language by default was probably Chinese. Did you 
change it to English? If you didn't have that option we would check why 
it didn't work in your case.

Anyway, you can change it from 'Show' menu and the last option:

And at the new window you have to follow the order of the attached image.

Then you restart gvSIG and it will appear in English.

Let us know if it works.

Best regards,

El 5/1/19 a las 14:56, Sean McKenzie escribió:
> The file with the below name:
> gvSIG-desktop-2.4.0-2850-final-win-x86-standard
> When I installed it it was in Chinese.  I am in China, and I do know 
> some Chinese.
> Is there a way for me to change the language?
> What else can I  do?
> Thanks.
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*Mario Carrera*

Asociación gvSIG

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