[Gvsig_english] Color Tables

Mario Carrera mcarrera at gvsig.com
Tue Mar 10 10:00:42 CET 2020

Hi Sean,

you can add new values with ">*" button and then edit them.

If you want to keep the original libraries you can export and import an 
existing one or you can create a new colour table.

To create a new one you can select the number of intervals and maximum 
or minimum values, and you can change each colour.

I usually used an existing colour table, exporting and importing it to 
keep the original one. I selected a colour table with the same number of 
registers/colours that I needed, and I edited them individually.

If you want to edit an XML file directly (you can create a copy of any 
of them and edit the new one), all the xml files of the colour tables ar 
at /gvSIG/colortable folder of your user folder (C:\users\[your_user]). 
You can make a copy of any of them and edit the XML file from a notepad.

And at this post you can see more information about it: 

Best regards,

El 27/2/20 a las 3:50, Sean McKenzie escribió:
> I am having a great deal of trouble with Color Tables?  I am trying to 
> custom set the color schemes and boundaries.  It does not want to let 
> me do.  I have acquired data from the HYDE database and am just trying 
> to duplicate graphs they provide to make sure I understand the data.  
> Their graph is 20 MB, and so I don't want to send it.
> Can anyone direct me towards where in the manual I can look up how to 
> custom set these things.
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*Mario Carrera*

gvSIG Association / Asociación gvSIG

http://www.gvsig.com <http://www.gvsig.com/>

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