Re: [Gvsig_usuarios] Crear una cuadrícula de 10x10 Km
Rodrigo Sperb
rodrigosperb en
Lun Nov 26 12:03:37 CET 2007
I have some problem to download Sextante module. I don't know whether it is
due to a restriction related to my work IT or any other issue. The fact is
that I wanted to download Sextante here at my work and I could not do it. I
also tried it once at home and the result was the very same. So, I was
wondering if is there any other link or mirror from where I could download
Sextante module and improve my GvSIg functionalities.
Thanks in advance.
Rodrigo Campi Sperb*
GIS/Web GIS Analyst and Developer
Applied Computing Lab.
Centre for Technological, Earth and Sea Sciences
UNIVALI - University of Itajai Valley
On Nov 23, 2007 12:21 PM, tomas verdejo rodriguez <tverdejo en>
> Hola a todos.
> Quiero crear una capa con una cuadrícula de 10 x 10 km y no se como
> hacerlo, ¿alguien podría decirme como se realiza?
> Gracias por anticipado. Tomás.
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