[Gvsig_usuarios] Re: [SIG] Call For Papers, OGRS 2009
Francisco José Peñarrubia
fpenarru en gmail.com
Vie Dic 19 17:10:18 CET 2008
Hola a todos.
Se va a celebrar un nuevo simposio en el país vecino, organizado por
gente muy activa en el software libre para GIS.
Las fechas son del 8 al 10 de Julio, los detalles, los podeis encontrar
Fran Peñarrubia
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Call For Papers - OGRS2009
> First International Opensource Geospatial Research Symposium 2009
> Dates & place: July 8th to 10th, 2009, Ecole Centrale de Nantes (France)
> Website: http://www.ogrs2009.org
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dear colleagues,
> (our apologies for cross postings)
> From July 8th to 10th, 2009, during the tenth edition of Libre Software
> Meeting, the Research Institute on Urban Sciences and Techniques (IRSTV) in
> partnership with the University Of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland,
> Prefecture and Council of Region Pays de La Loire will organize a Research
> and Innovation Symposium about free and open source geospatial methods and
> technologies.
> Main goals of this symposium are :
> * to build a panel of new scientific works built on open source models or
> using open source tools
> * to build and discuss a scientific framework about open source technology
> usage (benefits and limitations)
> * to provide a platform to network and develop ideas for future
> collaborative works between the academic research world and the everyday
> operational world (companies, local authorities ...)
> The symposium will integrate scientific conferences (research papers),
> companies and authorities testimonies (showcases) and training sessions
> (labs).
> Thus, we invite to submit contributions which can be a full paper for the
> research session or an abstract for the labs session. Notice, the call for
> showcases will also be launched during January 2009.
> Contributions should address the following overall topics but are not
> limited to :
> * Cartography and advanced styling ;
> * Cultural heritage ;
> * Earth Observation ;
> * From Webmapping to WebGIS ;
> * Integrated risk and disaster management for society ;
> * GIS and SDI interoperability (data, knowledge, language, ...) ;
> * GIS and SDI for participatory learning and action ;
> * GIS concept and theory (semantics and ontology) ;
> * Landscape and ecology ;
> * Spatial Analysis and Integration ;
> * Spatial and Spatio-temporal data and analysis ;
> * Sustainable Development and Governance ;
> * Urban and Environmental Planning ;
> * Visual Languages and Querying ;
> * Web and desktop convergence in the geospatial field.
> Keynote speakers :
> * Câmara Gilberto, Brazil's National Institute for Space Research
> * Neteler Markus, Fondazione Mach - Centro di Ecologia Alpina, Italia
> * Steiniger Stefan, University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada
> See committee members on OGRS2009 website :
> http://www.ogrs2009.org/doku.php?id=committee
> Research paper submission :
> * Full paper deadline : March, 1th 2009
> * Submit a 500-1000 words abstract and a 12 pages full paper
> * Notification to authors: April 12th, 2009
> * Final paper due: June, 1st, 2009
> * See http://www.ogrs2009.org/doku.php?id=cfpmenu:research
> Lab abstract submission :
> * Submit a 500-1000 words abstract before : March, 22th 2009
> * Notification to authors : April 12th, 2009
> * Final documents, material and tutorial aure due for : June, 1th, 2009
> * See http://www.ogrs2009.org/doku.php?id=cfpmenu:labs
> Contacts :
> * for research submission : research en ogrs2009.org
> * for lab submission : lab en ogrs2009.org
> * for other questions : info en ogrs2009.org
> We would appreciate if you could kindly distribute this call to other
> interested parties of your acquaintance.
> Best regards and best wishes for the coming new year,
> OGRS2009 program committee
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