[Gvsig_usuarios] Curso de análisis geoespacial con SEXTANTE

Victor Olaya volaya en unex.es
Vie Jul 18 14:34:48 CEST 2008

Estimados compañeros,

Estamos preparando un curso de análisis geográfico con SEXTANTE de una
semana de duración. Os adjunto una pequeña descripción y el enlace a la web
con más información. Debido a que sabemos que hay demanda no sólo entre los
usuarios españoles, vamos a hacer el curso internacional, esperando recibir
gente de otros paises. Si estais interesados, no dudeis en poneros en
contacto conmigo.




Advanced Geospatial Analysis using SEXTANTE

3-7 November 2008
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain

Starting 3rd November, the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya organizes a
five-day course in Barcelona for all those interested in geospatial
analysis. The course is targeted at PhD students, academic staff and project
teams wanting to increase their knowledge of geospatial analysis techniques.

SEXTANTE is a comprehensive set of analysis algorithms which allow to
perform a large variety of geospatial analysis. It also feature some
additional tools that can be used to extract the best of those algorithms,
such as graphical modelling tools or batch processing tools, among others.

The course includes both practical sessions, in which the main elements of
SEXTANTE will be explained, and also theoretical sessions, all of them
linked together.

Course fees are 300 Euro. Fees include coffee breaks and working materials
(handouts, CDs...). Participants are responsible themselves for organizing
transportation and accommodation in Barcelona.

This is a non-profit course. A small part of the fees will be used to cover
organizational costs. The rest of the money will be donated to Ingenieria
Sin Fronteras (Engineers Without Borders), a NGO  dedicated to cooperation
for development, which seeks to put technology at service of development, in
order to construct a fairer world society. Check out http://www.isf.es for
more information about their work.

For more information, check http://www.sextantegis.com/course.htm

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