[Gvsig_usuarios] topologia de red in gvsig 1.9 alpha
Laura Criscuolo
lauracris en hotmail.it
Lun Abr 20 16:18:26 CEST 2009
Here are the files.
The first folder contains the first version of the network, on which gvsig
1.1 creates a topology and works routing operations.
The second one contains the files generated by gvsig 1.9 through the
"limpiar topologia" operation, and subsequently modified in their fields"
length "and" cost ".
These files allow the generation of topology and routing, being composed of
simple connected links.
I hope it can be useful in identifying the problem.
Thank you for your kindness.
Francisco José Peñarrubia wrote:
> Hi Laura.
> Can you send us the shape file that causes the exception, please?.
> Thanks in advance.
> Fran Peñarrubia
> gvSIG Team
> Laura Criscuolo escribió:
>> The latest built, combined with the Graph extension, unfortunately does
>> not change the situation:
>> no topology file is generated, and the graph is not perceived as
>> connected.
>> However, I found a possible way to circumvent the obstacle:
>> select the file containing the network;
>> click "limpiar topology";
>> click "yes" to "Desea añadir capa con los pseudonodos detectado?";
>> On the generated files, "intersection.shp" and "network_clean.shp", the
>> calculation of the shortest path is possible.
>> If you are aware of more immediate ways to work on the network topology,
>> please suggest.
>> Thanks for your help.
>> Laura.
>> Don't forget to select manually the "Graph" extension when installing
>> this latest build 1230, because it's not being installed by default.
>> Regards,
>> Sergio.
>> Francisco José Peñarrubia escribió:
>>> Hello Laura.
>>> Please, try the latest build, and say us if this bug is corrected:
>>> https://gvsig.org/web/projects/gvsig-desktop/devel/gvsig-1_9/gvsig-1_9_0/
>>> The latest build is 1230.
>>> Hope this helps.
>>> Fran Peñarrubia
>>> www.scolab.es
>>> Laura Criscuolo escribió:
>>>> I'm learning to use the routing tools on gvSIG 1.9 alpha and I have
>>>> trouble loading the network topology and in the acceptance of
>>>> paradas. In particular I am working on a network on which gvSIG 1.1
>>>> worked without problems the choice of the shortest path. In gvSIG
>>>> 1.9, after selecting the network shapefile and generating the
>>>> topology network, I request to load the topology, but no files
>>>> topology is created or saved nor displayed . Placing then paradas on
>>>> the network, and requiring the shortest path, it generates the error
>>>> below:
>>>> Errore non catturato per l'usario java.lang.NullPointerException:
>>>> null org.gvsig.graph.core.Network.restoreConnectors(Unknown
>>>> Source) org.gvsig.graph.core.Network.reconstruyeTramo(Unknown Source)
>>>> org.gvsig.graph.solvers.ShortestPathSolverAStar.calculateRoute(Unknown
>>>> Source) org.gvsig.graph.ShortestPathExtension.calculateRoute(Unknown
>>>> Source) org.gvsig.graph.ShortestPathExtension.execute(Unknown Source)
>>>> com.iver.andami.plugins.ExtensionDecorator.execute(Unknown Source)
>>>> com.iver.andami.ui.mdiFrame.MDIFrame.actionPerformed(Unknown Source)
>>>> etc etc....
>>>> Do you know how to solve the problem? Thank you
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