[Gvsig_usuarios] New Coordination system
Javier Galán
galan_javsan en gva.es
Lun Mar 16 09:18:16 CET 2009
Hi cemnick
If you are working on 1.1.2 you cold install the crs extension. There
you can add a new crs through a wkt ( which is the text at the *.prj)
Also this list is for question wrote on Spanish, for English ones write
to the international, please.
cemnick wrote:
> Hello
> How do I create a new coordination system?
> The Coordination system is ETRS89-PT/TM06 for Portugal.
> If helps, I have the .prj file.
> Thanks
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Javier Galán Sánchez
Proyecto gvSIG
Consellería de Infraestructuras y Transportes (GVA)
Valencia (España)
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