[Gvsig_usuarios] Suavizar lineas (smooth) en gvSIG 19

Mario Ignacio Fèvre marioignaciofevre en gmail.com
Mie Jul 7 18:43:03 CEST 2010

el archivo sextante.zip que descarga el link


trae dentro las siguientes indicaciones:

Instructions for installing SEXTANTE for gvSIG

- Locate the folder where you have installed gvSIG (version 1.9 is needed).
Under Windows, it is usually something like "C:\Program Files\gvSIG_1_9
- Locate the extensions folder at [gvSIG folder]\bin\gvSIG\extensiones
- Under the extensions folder, create a new folder named es.unex.sextante
under it
- copy the gvSIG binding files to that folder
- copy the SEXTANTE core files to that folder, except jts-1.9.jar (this
causes conflicts with the JTS library already included in gvSIG)

(no pareacen ser las mismas)

con este procedimiento yo no tuve ningún problema


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