[Gvsig_usuarios] Piloto redes
Francisco José Peñarrubia
fpenarru en gmail.com
Mar Sep 21 09:20:39 CEST 2010
You can read this link
For example, you can create a .dbf file (you can use postgis table
also) with 3 fields, from, to, cost.
From => row of street from your vehicle comes.
to => row of street to your vehicle will go.
cost => if -1, turn prohibited. Other wise, cost in secs.
After, you can add this table to your project and choose it from menu
"Load turn costs"
Hope it helps.
PS: Network Analysis extension is not "pilot" anymore. The extension has
been officialy tested and is a "Stable release".
El 21/09/2010 1:58, "António José Silva (Toze)" escribió:
> Good Morning,
> Is there any one who can explain me how can i build a turn cost table,
> in gvsig network pilot? Wich fields and wich types need I to make this
> table. I can find information about this topic.
> Thank you in advance,
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Fran Peñarrubia
Asociación gvSIG
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