[Gvsig_usuarios] Sextante video tutorials
Javier Fernandez Lopez de Pablo
javifldp en gmail.com
Vie Mayo 13 15:14:56 CEST 2011
Hola Mario,
Enhorabuena y gracias porque es un trabajo excelente del que nos vamos a
beneficiar muchos usuarios. Sugeriría que en futuros videotutoriales
incluyeráis alguno sobre como crear un anisotropic cost surface con el
2011/5/12 Mario Carrera <carrera_marrod en gva.es>
> Hola,
> reenvío información sobre nuevos vídeos de Sextante.
> Saludos,
> Mario
> ************************************
> [from the SEXTANTE blog]
> Maybe you have already realized that I have changed the
> sextantegis.com website. Instead of redirecting to the OSOR wiki, now
> it redirects to a minimalistic nice-looking web page, which is, IMHO,
> much better and more practical.
> If you go to the website, you will also see that there is a link to
> our brand new YouTube channel. I have already uploaded 13 video
> tutorials (around 3 min each), and plan to add many more in the
> following days (I try to do 1 or 2 each day...). I am recording them
> in english, in order to make them useful for everyone (I absolutely do
> not like my accent, but I hope you find them interesting anyway ;-) ).
> Here is a quick list of all the ones that I want to have ready soon:
> -the toolbox
> -the parameters window
> -the output region tab
> -output channels
> -Results
> -tables
> -configuration
> -history
> -capturing points
> -the graphical modeler
> -modeler inputs
> -modeler inputs(II)
> -modeler algorithms
> -saving and configuring models
> -batch processing
> -batch processing(II)
> -batch processing from open layers
> -Numerical results
> -Iterative execution of algorithms
> -Basic operations with raster layers
> -Focal statistics
> -Local statistics
> -Geomorphometry
> -Geomorphometry(II)
> -Hydrology
> -Hydrology(II)
> -The raster calculator
> -Using masks
> -Overlay operations with vector layers
> -Dissolving vector layers
> -Basic spatial statistics with vector layers
> -Basic transformations for vector layers
> -Basic transformations for vector layers(II)
> -Creating profiles
> -Creating a raster layer from a set of points
> -Creating a density layer
> Many more can be added to that list (and you can be sure that I will
> do it), but I would like to have your opinion. Is there anything that
> you would like to see there? Any process that you would like me to
> document in a video? If so, please feel free to tell me. I think video
> tutorials are great and easy to make, so all suggestions are welcome.
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> Sextante-users en lists.forge.osor.eu
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