[Gvsig_usuarios] worries about the gvSIG-community...

Wolfgang Qual Wolfgang.Qual en gmx.net
Jue Mayo 16 10:23:42 CEST 2013

(this time in txt-mode...)
Dear gvSIG developers and -users,
(I know I should post here in Spanish...)
I guess you are aware of the fact that there are hardly any posts on the english-spoken mailing list of gvSIG [1]. Unfortunately, questions remain open here and it looks as if there is no activity at all. I have to say that this makes me a bit worried, since _that list_ provided so much help in the past. If I would not be aware of this Spanish list, I would say: bad sign! No activity in the project?
But this is not the case, there are lots of posts on the spanish-speaking list (and I am glad to see this). However, I would be happy, if the project (and project leaders) would make more use of the international mailing list in english language. Or should we post our questions here instead? I guess not.
All the best,
[1] http://listserv.gva.es/pipermail/gvsig_internacional/

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