[Gvsig_usuarios] worries about the gvSIG-community

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas jsanz en gvsig.com
Jue Mayo 16 17:36:14 CEST 2013

El 16/05/13 17:15, Wolfgang Qual escribió:
> Dear Valerio, Giuliano and: list,
> thank you very much for your supportive words.
> Best,
> Wolfgang

Hi (CCing this to the international list)

I share Giuliano vision of "obligate" ourselves to use English on every
single "public" communication we do regarding gvSIG on mailing lists,
blog posts, etc. I follow gvSIG tag at gis.stackexchange.com[1] so
questions are answered (as best as I can) or redirected to our
international list.

This is not a disdain to Spanish speakers or to any other individual
that doesn't understand English. But I feel that English is
(independently if you like it or not) the lingua franca in
technical/geospatial world, so to maximise the profit of any
communication, I'll keep using English. I hope others will do this also.

By the way I always feel amazed (and sad) when I know someone that being
in the GI field, has never heard of gvSIG, only about QGis or uDig or
GRASS. All of them are really great software, not knowing one of them is
just unacceptable in the same way that a part of the world is so active
and "vibrant" but the other is so unaware of this great (IMHO) piece of
free software.

That's another reason why gvSIG use cases section[2] at the Outreach
portal is so important, you can show it to anyone new to gvSIG so she
can get an idea on how many great stuff has been done with it and other
FOSS4G technologies.


[1] http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/gvsig
[2] http://outreach.gvsig.org/case-studies

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
gvSIG Team at Prodevelop

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