[Gvsig_usuarios] LasTools en Qsig
Ivan sarteguas
ivansarteguas en hotmail.com
Mar Abr 15 18:20:26 CEST 2014
He instalado Qsig 2.2.0 y he seguido los pasos del siguiente link para poder instalar Lastools
Pero a la hora de ejecutarlo he obtenido el siguiente error
Oooops! The following output layers could not be open
Output raster file: C:\Users\itmati\AppData\Local\Temp\processing\57ff9453eb344a30bd0b936acac89746\OUTPUTRASTER.tif
The above files could not be opened, which probably indicates that they were not correctly produced by the executed algorithm
Checking the log information might help you see why those layers were not created as expected
Y no tengo ni idea de como empezar para resolverlo
saludos y gracias de antemano por la ayuda
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