[Gvsig_english] gvSIG Mobile. New translation and module
Juan Lucas Dominguez Rubio
jldominguez at prodevelop.es
Mon Nov 29 08:53:24 CET 2010
Hello, Piotr:
You can contact Mario Carrera carrera_marrod at gva.es to have access to the translation page.
I'm not sure it UTF-8 is ok for the properties file. I think it's better to use Unicode, for example:
This is a nice converter: http://rishida.net/tools/conversion/
As for the source code, you should modify the original source code to add some functionality (you still cannot add any functionality without compiling the source code). I recommend to divide your new source code in two pieces: your new GUI components can be added to appGvsigMobile project and you can add a new project called libOpenSearch (or similar) where you can add everything that is not related to GUI.
The basic instructions to set up the workspace are:
Add a SVN repository to your Eclipse workspace (you need a SVN plugin such as Subclipse):
Checkout as different projects the following folders from the /pilots/tags/pilot3 branch:
- appGvsigMobile
- boot
- customForms
- DefaultIcons
- deploy_Lin_X86
- deploy_Win_X86
- deploy_WM5_ARM
- deploy_WM5_ARM_RXTX
- libFMap
- libFmapGpeMobile
- libGPE
- libInternationalization
- libLocation
- resources
- rxtx
- rxtx_gnuio
Set workspace Java VM to JDK 1.4 or JDK 1.5 (Window->Preferences->Java->Installed JREs). You might need to download it from the Oracle/Sun website.
Set workspace Java compliance level to 1.4 (Window->Preferences->Java->Compiler).
Build boot project (build.xml->right click->Run As->Ant Build)
Select all projects and clean (Project->Clean).
Now you should be able to build appGvsigMobile project (build.xml->right click->Run As->Ant Build).
Create a new Run configuration for a Java Application (Run->Run...->Java Application). Select project appGvsigMobile and class Launcher. In the Arguments tab add:
- Program arguments: m=J9 s=480x600 l=en p="${workspace_loc}"
- VM arguments: -Xmx256M -Djava.library.path=${workspace_loc}/resources/lib/Win_X86
Change the following values according to your targeted configuration:
- m: virtual machine, J9 or PMEA (Phone ME Advance)
- s: window size, in pixels, in the example above 480x600
- l: language, in the example French would be l=fr
- Djava.library.path: should point to the native libraries
Run this configuration. Done!
Juan Lucas Domínguez Rubio
Prodevelop SL, Valencia (España)
Tlf.: 96.351.06.12 -- Fax: 96.351.09.68
http://www.prodevelop.es <http://www.prodevelop.es/>
De: gvsig_internacional-bounces at listserv.gva.es en nombre de STEPEL
Enviado el: sáb 27/11/2010 20:06
Para: gvsig_internacional at listserv.gva.es
Asunto: [Gvsig_english] gvSIG Mobile. New translation and module
I am a student and my diploma project concerns gvSIG Mobile: "gvSIG
Mobile package localization and development of its modules", which means
that I have to prepare/correct polish language translation of the
application and to create an extension module for OpenSearch standard
support (eg. integration with Twitter, Wikipedia etc.).
I have created new .properties file containing polish translation (using
UTF-8), but I don't have any access to the website, where I could
add/correct new words. I know, that there already exits one polish
translation, but there are still blank places in it.
Secondly, I tried to modify the sources of gvSIG Mobile application, but
I cannot find the answer on how to create my own module with
installation package, without modyfying the original. I downloaded
content of SVN server, but so far I have not tried to do change
anything. I ask for any advices how to start with it.
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