[Gvsig_english] FOSS4G2006

Gabriel Carrión carrion_gab at gva.es
Fri Sep 22 16:08:26 CEST 2006

Recently, the gvSIG project has participated in two different events. 
Firstly, the FISS4G2006, Free and Open Source Software for 
Geoinformatics http://www.foss4g2006.org/ where we gave a workshop and a 
presentation, and the Jornadas sobre Administración Electronica 
(Conferences on eGovernment) organized by the Spain's Government.

The presentations of gvSIG in these events are published in the section 
"articles and reports" of the gvSIG documentation web page,


Regarding the FOSS4G2006 we'd like to highlight how suprised we felt by 
participating in a over-five-hundred people with a 100% collaboration 
willing. All the people we talked with were ansious to talk about their 
respective projects, to hear about our ones, and to establish as 
collaboration as possible.

This is the power that has made free software and geomatics to move 
forward. We just need to have a look to few years ago and compare. Lots 
of initatives and projects feeding one each other.

If we find time, we'd like to assess this meetings, and the OSGeo 
(https://www.osgeo.org/) initiative and to share our feelings with you all.

Gabriel Carrión Rico
Director del proyecto gvSIG
Responsable Grupo SIG - CAD
Conselleria de Infraestructuras y Transporte
Generalitat Valenciana
Valencia - España

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