[Gvsig_english] turns (maneuvers) in network analyst

gis.gn at libero.it jumbomail_admin5 at libero.it
Wed Aug 1 15:52:50 CEST 2007

Hello Francisco. 
I am happy of the interest. The data that I am using are of 3-4 years ago. In reality creed that currently TELEATLAS (but also NAVTEQ) orient the data mainly to applications GIS. Indeed, just 3-4 years ago I have participated to the development of an application on this net and, in spite of several table the external ones, the problem of the maneuvers I have resolved it with ESRI only through the manual definition of TURN FEATURE CLASS (practically I digitized the maneuvers and came interpreted from the Network analyst of ARCGIS). Moreover arcgis it manages also the turn table. For giving a general vision on the data I enclose the article (in Italian) relative to made job (CAP 3-4). Moreover I enclose some shapefiles and tables and of the material on the network analyst that I hope it can serve for the development of the maneuvers in gvSIG.

Gabriele Nolè

Questo messaggio contiene i seguenti allegati:
* tele_atlas.zip (8308647 byte)
* network_analyst_arcgis.pdf (26930636 byte)

Per scaricarli fai click sul link seguente:

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