[Gvsig_english] Remarks and questions about gvSIG 1.1 (rc2)

Jose Luis Gómez Martínez JoseLuis.Gomez at uclm.es
Thu Aug 23 13:55:39 CEST 2007

Hi Wolfgang,

The problem about specify the correct projection is already solved. It 
was a problem with the option of "search by name". Sometimes it takes a 
bad value and makes the program shows a problem.

Thanks for the note.

José Luis

Wolfgang Qual escribió:
> Hi list,
> I have some questions/remarks regarding new version of gvsig. 
> 1) when setting a new view, it was not possible to specify the correct projection: I searched for "dhdn" within the projection dialogue, and some entries where found. However, when selecting the coprrect record, a message "crs not supported" pops up. When I perform a seatch on "Gauss", the correct entry (which is actually the same as before), it is possible to choose this as the target coordinate system.
> 2)When trying to "translate" a numeric value into a string value, numbers get an additional ".0"., eg. 2 becomes 2.0. However, what I would need to do is to connect a string-field with the transformed numerical field, like:
> "Hauptstr."+26 = "Hauptstr. 26"
> 3) will it be possible to run future versions of gvSIG (incl. 1.1) using older (but already installed) versions of the java runtime environment? We would like to use only one jre on our computers, if possible. Some colleagues of me worry about having a special jre for each java application. They would like to have a "lean" linux system within our administration (a linux desktop client is being built for the desktop pc's of the City administration. It's called "LiMux"). I understand this concern, but if there are strong reasons for an extra jre for gvSIG, it would be good for me to know them. Just to explain it to my colleagues.
> 4)Export to oracle: is there a description available especially for exporting a shapefile to oracle? Maybe it is not possible yet? Maybe I just do not know how.
> 5)another question from my colleagues: will there be a mechanism to prevent that two or more users edit the same geometry at the same time? I guess this is only possible to implement when working with a database. They told me that it was possible in former SICAD to lock a custom region for a user.
> Well, I would say that this is not too important (splitting lines and polygons is more urgent ...haha), but a comment on that issue would be great!
> Comments are appreciated very much.
> Best,
> Wolfgang

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