[Gvsig_english] 1.0 installation problems Ubuntu Edgy (6.1)

Chris Puttick c.puttick at oxfordarch.co.uk
Tue Jan 9 17:32:32 CET 2007


We are trialling open source alternatives for desktop GIS and are having problems installing gvSIG on a fresh Ubuntu Edgy 64 bit system. The problem appears to lie in the install script's use of the tail, namely

tail +$lcount $0 | tar -xz  --no-same-owner

Where +<line count> is flagged as deprecated, with the new preferred notation -n +<line count> e.g. 

tail -n +$lcount $0 | tar -xz  --no-same-owner

would work. Any suggestions for a work-around?



Chris Puttick
Oxford Archaeology: Exploring the Human Journey
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