[Gvsig_english] ogr gml and gvSIG driver

Olivier Bedel olivier.bedel at gmail.com
Thu Jan 25 11:29:37 CET 2007

Hello list,

I try to use gvSIG GML driver to load GML files produced with ogr2ogr. 
But, I get the following error message :
La capa point_ogr.gml presenta los siguientes errores
Error genérico de capas y drivers.   Error al acceder al fichero del 
driver  Error de acceso al fichero /local/obedel/tmp/point_ogr.gml del 
driver null".

I tried to look if the GML file produced with ogr was valid, but I find 
no tools to do it. I just checked the validity between the gml file and 
its schema file (.xsd) with xmllint. It was OK.
I attached a sample point layer translated in GML with ogr and I can't 
load in my gvSIG (v1.0 build 886)

Thanks in advance for any advice,

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