[Gvsig_english] can gvsig connect to distant postgis database

Michael Fecht fecht at grid-it.at
Mon Jun 11 10:04:40 CEST 2007

Thanks for your answers.

I tried to edit a line layer (type: LINESTRING) in QGIS and it works.
Then I tried again in gvSIG, but it 's not possible to select any 
existing line, so it's is not possible to edit the geometry.

When iI trie to edit the attributes of the layer, it seems to work but 
when i want to save it I get the following error:

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: new row for relation 
"ttmpwegsegment" violates check constraint "enforce_geotype_the_geom"

Here there are the system infomations:

- the host is an internal network server running with ubuntu server 5.10 
(kernel 2.6.15)
- postgres version: 8.1.4
- postgis: 1.1.3

- On the client I have installed Mandriva 2006.


jaume dominguez faus schrieb:
> I agree with Giovanni. Probably, this problem comes from the grants or 
> permissions configured in the database. Postgres has lots of security 
> configuration options either for network issues (before connected) and 
> for data access (once connected). If you find that you can edit normally 
> with other tool but you cannot do so with gvSIG then I'd ask you to 
> report us.
> host?
> version?
> os?
> ...
> Salut
> En/na G. Allegri ha escrit:
>> Quite a strange behavior. Why should it not be able to edit postgis 
>> layers in remote server, when it's possible in a local one? The driver 
>> should be transparent to the connection url (server). Is'n it just a 
>> privileges/grants problem? I never tried on remote server... but I 
>> would need thi feature!!!
>> -- 
>> Giovanni
>> 2007/6/11, Michael Fecht <fecht at grid-it.at <mailto:fecht at grid-it.at>>:
>>     Hi Price,
>>     I tried the gvSIG connection to a PostGIS database on an other
>>     Server in
>>     our internal network. Important for the connection is that port
>>     5432 is
>>     open and you are allowed to connect to postgres (check pg_hba.conf).
>>     It is possible to view the PostGIS layers, but it's not possible
>>     to edit
>>     them (Geometry).
>>     Michael
>>     Price NJANDA schrieb:
>>     >
>>     > Hi list
>>     > Did someone tested a gvSIG connexion to a distant PostGIS database?
>>     > What conclusion ?
>>     > I would appreciate any comment.
>>     >
>>     > Price
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>>     Mag. Michael Fecht
>>     GRID-IT Gesellschaft für angewandte Geoinformatik mbH
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Mag. Michael Fecht

GRID-IT Gesellschaft für angewandte Geoinformatik mbH
Technikerstraße 21a, A-6020 Innsbruck
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mail fecht at grid-it.at
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