[Gvsig_english] REgvSIG's manual: translation into Itali

Mario Carrera carrera_marrod at gva.es
Wed Feb 27 10:39:24 CET 2008

Hi Ernesto,

some italian users are already translating the manual of gvSIG to 
italian language. They are managing it from the italian list of users. 
You can register from 
https://gvsig.org/lists/mailman/listinfo/gvsig_italian. Then send an 
e-mail to the list and they'll tell you which are the chapters that 
haven't still been translated.

The e-mails about this theme are in 
where each people said what chapter was going to translate.

Best regards,

ernesto sferlazza escribió:
> Hi GVSIG Team, Hi all
> With regard to the subject, I offer my time to translate a chapter of 
> the GVSIG manual or other part  from English to Italian.
> Best regards
> -- 
> ing. Ernesto Sferlazza
> responsabile nodo provinciale di Agrigento del SITR Sicilia
> resp. U.O. Sistema Informativo Territoriale
> Provincia regionale di Agrigento
> sede istituzionale: piazza Aldo Moro, 1 - 92100 AGRIGENTO
> sede operativa: via Acrone, 27 - 92100 AGRIGENTO
> cell. 3392718463
> tel. uff 0922401935
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Mario Carrera Rodríguez
Grupo SIG-CAD / gvSIG
Asistencia técnica externa
Servicio de Organización e Informática
Conselleria d'Infraestructures i Transport
Generalitat Valenciana
Valencia (España)

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