[Gvsig_english] about reload

ju julien.guilloux at espaces-naturels.fr
Thu Feb 28 17:48:32 CET 2008

i must reload all the time a shape file when :
- i use a link between the attribut table of the shape file with  a 
external table. sometimes the issue is the same with a join with a 
external table.
- when a shape is "big" (example 14 fields and 30 000 records)

is it because ? :
- all my shape and data are on a server and not on my computer ? the 
network card is 100 mega do i need more speed ?
- it seems that celeron processor are not so good for gvsig when i 
compare with a pentium. is it because of Java ? because of windows XP.
i am going to try gvsig on linux ubuntu 7.10 :  do someone use already 
GVgis and ubuntu and can tell me if trouble are the same ?

Well sorry for so many questions but i have many little trouble for 
working with GVsig and it is source of trouble in work.

befor finishing, thanks to develloper team because even if some trouble 
persist, GVsig is a really revolution in allday gis work !

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