[Gvsig_english] transform projection problem: epsg 4326 (wgs84) --> epsg 31468 (GK Zone 4)

Wolfgang Qual Wolfgang.Qual at gmx.net
Tue Jun 17 13:57:29 CEST 2008

Dear list,
I have a problem when trying to add a shapefile which was derived from a gps-receiver (gpx-file was transformed to shapefile using gpx2shp). For me, it is not possible to transform the projection 4326 (wgs84) into Gauss-Krüger epgs 31468 (which is, zone 4, Germany). What I did so far:

1) add a new view in gvSIG, set projection to wgs84. Open this view
2) add the shapefile
3) open the geoprocessing wizard, select tool "Reproject"
4) within this dialogue: Set source projection to 4326 and target projection to 31468
5) select there: type epsg_transformation.
However, within this dialogue, it is not possible to select a reprojection that really fits to my needs. Well, I did not worry much about it and created the projected shapefile. 
6) for comparision, I made a reprojection using ogr2ogr-command line tool:
ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" /tmp/ogr2ogr_test.shp -t_srs EPSG:31468 -s_srs EPSG:4326 /Netzlaufwerke/uis/tmp/data_trk_trk.shp

You can see both results in the attached image (blue: gvSIG projected dataset, red: ogr2ogr generated dataset; background is a 31468-background of the survey department). Whereas the ogr2ogr-dataset fits quite good to the background, there is a clear offset within the gvSIG-generated dataset.

The question for me is now: is there no transformation defined that fits for my needs in gvSIG? Will it be included soon? Is it a bug or is there a workaround?

Your comments are appreciated as always.
Best regards,
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