[Gvsig_english] French help for GvSIG

Fabien Guerreiro fabien.guerreiro at educagri.fr
Fri Dec 4 00:52:04 CET 2009

Hi Simon!

First sorry for my english!

Users and Developers mailing list
<gvsig_internacional at listserv.gva.es> écrit:
>Can't read a lick of French, but it is obvious from the diagrams you have
put together a valuable resource. I could even follow what was going on
even with my lack of language skills.
Thanks for this. I hope this files can be use by users of GvSIG.

>When putting together the package. Who in gvSIG did you ask for
permission for use images of the program and the gvSIG logo, or was this
not necessary?
Sure, for the logo, I asked here, And Virginia Morales said to me that
there is not problem for the logo (perhaps because I don't put my work for
money). I'm never sure about logos so, in trouble, i never put them; but
here, i asked for the first time.
For the images, we can use this. You can see a lot of papers with software
images everywhere. In my own, It's not se same, the software and who it
works (engineering - libraries) are  in GPL but the images of the product
are not the same? .
Moreover GvSig is a free-ware, open source - it would be very pity to
restricted the use of possibilities to make help to use it!!!
So if I'm in wrong, someone will correct what I say. 
I put myself the same question when I made the help for ArcView/ArcGis,
and I asked it to ERSI France, and my commercial in ESRI France reassured




Ingénieur en géomatique / SIG (Systèmes d'Information Géographique)

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