[Gvsig_english] join and selection:: selection should remain after undoing join

Manuel Madrid madrid_man at gva.es
Mon Jul 27 17:04:49 CEST 2009

Hi again, Wofgang.

Obviously, we can't change this in gvSIG 1.9 bacause we are now about 
releasing gvSIG 1.9 RC. So is too late. What about gvSIG 2.0? Well... It 
seems that in gvSIG 2.0 the join tool will work in a different way than 
it does in gvSIG 1.9. It will manage three different tables: the source 
table, the auxiliar table and the result table. So rows selected in the 
result table won't keep on selected after undoing the join neither in 
the auxiliar table nor in the source table.

So we think this is an interesting tool but with no trivial solution. 
What about writing a script in some of the scripting languages suported 
by gvSIG? We could help you to do it.

Let me know what you think about this.


Manuel Madrid escribió:
> Sorry Wolfgang! Let me ask developers about this to answer. We'll do as 
> soon as possible.
> Best regards,
> Manuel.
> Wolfgang Qual escribió:
>> Dear list,
>> I have a question regarding the join function of gvsig 1.9x: after
>> having joined a table B to a source table A, I would like to make a
>> selection of the joined table. This selection should remain after the
>> join / link to table B is removed again. This is extremely helpful in
>> situations where the join does not completely work (key column does not
>> fit 100%). As reported earlier before, a frequent task for me is to use
>> the join function for the geocoding of addresses. Unfortunately, tables
>> I receive from external sources frequently contain wrong spelling of
>> those addresses. Consequently, the join will not work in any case. If
>> the selection would remain, I could very easily identify those records
>> with wrong spelled addresses. 
>> Any comments are appreciated very much!
>> Best regards,
>> Wolfgang
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Manuel Madrid.
Proyecto gvSIG (http://www.gvsig.gva.es)
Asistencia Técnica Externa.
Conselleria d'Infraestructures i Transport.
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