[Gvsig_english] NavTable - new gvSIG Extension

Benjamin Ducke benjamin.ducke at oxfordarch.co.uk
Tue May 26 13:02:21 CEST 2009


What are your targets regarding features for the 1.0 release?
Personally, I think a great feature would be to have XML files
that can be loaded into NavTable forms and describe input field
properties. Those could allow users to customize input forms
to a certain degree, such as using default values for fields,
field type and value range constraints, look-up list for
rapid data entry, etc.

I realize this is a lot of work, but maybe some of the more
basic, very useful things such as look-up lists could be
implemented without too much effort?

While we are at it: a way to explicitly set a field value
to NULL (no data) would also be great.

Thanks for your good work,


Juan Ignacio Varela García (Nacho Uve) wrote:
> Hello Ben,
>     1. More direct interaction Map -> NavTable
>     What I mean is a little tool in the NavTable which, while
>     activated allows me to click on a spatial feature in the View,
>     flashes that feature for visual feedback and jumps straight
>     to the attribute record for the feature in the NavTable.
> Yes, I like your idea. We will add this tool in our 'future works'!
>     2. A way to automatically save edits when switching to
>     the next feature, w/o having to click the little disk
>     icon. As it stands, there should also at least be a warning
>     that changes will be lost if not before the user
>     switches records.
> In the very next release (NavTable 0.2.2), it will be a dialog to 
> warning about not saving values. In the v1.0, there will be available a 
> new feature that allows to configure auto-save behavior.
> Thank you very very much for yours points!!  Best regards,
> Nacho
> [1]: http://navtable.forge.osor.eu/index_en.html
> -- 
> Juan Ignacio Varela García (Nacho Uve)
> Coordinador Grupo de Desarrollo
> Cartolab - Laboratorio de Ingeniería Cartográfica
> http://www.cartolab.es
> ETS Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos
> Universidade da Coruña
> Campus de Elviña - 15071 A Coruña (España)
> (34)981167000 ext. 5493
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Benjamin Ducke
Senior Geospatial Consultant

Oxford Archaeology
Janus House
Osney Mead
Oxford, U.K.

Tel: +44 (0)1865 263 800 (switchboard)
Tel: +44 (0)1865 980 758 (direct)
Fax :+44 (0)1865 793 496
benjamin.ducke at oxfordarch.co.uk

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