[Gvsig_english] bugreport: symbols-quantities-intervals fail with negative values

Mithoefer, Klaus kmithoefer at icipe.org
Fri Feb 5 09:22:34 CET 2010

Dear all,

I have a shape file with a column having positive and negative values with 3 decimal places. When I apply symbols-quantities-intervals to map classes (natural intervals) I get two classes with negative values. 
-17.91 - -2.555
-2.55 - 2.55
2.59 - 9.08
9.11 - 20.05
20.3 - 51.6

The classes are computed correctly. If I press accept the classes are visualized correctly but I can't edit the properties anymore. A windrow appears saying: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 5

If I compute 5 classes a say apply the class with the lowest values disappears and only 4 classes remain. The feature of the lowest cklass are no longer visualized.

I someone is interested I can send the shape file.

Best regards,


Klaus Mithöfer 
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Officer 
icipe - International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology 
P.O. Box 30772 - 00100 
Nairobi, Kenya 
Phone: +254-20-8632000, Extn. 2147
Fax: +254-20-8632001/2 
Mobile: +254-724-308404
E-Mail: kmithoefer at icipe.org
web: www.icipe.org

This position is supported by German development cooperation // 
Centre for international Migration and Development - http://www.cimonline.de/en/index.asp

Klaus.mithoefer at cimonline.de


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