[Gvsig_english] Auto-cataloging of image files
ernesto sferlazza
e.sferlazza at gmail.com
Thu Feb 11 12:44:04 CET 2010
I use gdaltindex to create a tile index shapefile (named, for example,
"nomefile.shp") of a set of georeferenced raster contained in one folder
(named, for example, "nomedirectory")
my installation of GDAL is part of MS4W installation package of Mapserver on
my server (with Microsoft Windows Server 2003)
to create a tile index for ecw files:
preliminarly You have to set gdal environment (paths, etc.)
The program executable "gdaltindex.exe" lies in the
folder C:\ms4w\tools\gdal-ogr
To launch the program:
gdaltindex nomefile.shp nomedirectory/*.ecw
where "nomefile" will be the new tile index shapefile (with his complete
pathname) referred to the ecw files, while
"nomedirectory" is the folder (complete pathname) that
contains all images.
To create qix index referred to the above created shp file:
1) move, from prompt dos (start->esegui->cmd) in c:\ms4w
2) launch command setenv
3) launch command shptree PATH_DIR_SHP\nome_shp.shp
4) if necessary, in PATH_DIR_SHP rename file "nome_shp.qix" in
I hope it result clear and works for You too
Best regards
ing. Ernesto Sferlazza
responsabile nodo provinciale di Agrigento del SITR Sicilia
resp. gruppo Sistema Informativo Territoriale
Provincia regionale di Agrigento
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