[Gvsig_english] POTENTIAL ERROR gvSIG 1.9 (BN 1253) -- Jave Heap Error while editing table

Simon Cropper (Botanicus Australia Pty Ltd) scropper at botanicusaustralia.com.au
Fri Jan 8 06:14:10 CET 2010


I managed to generate a Java Heap error in gvSIG.

Unfortunately I was unable to capture any error details.

I can tell you what I was doing and hopefully you can reproduce.

I was editing a shapefile's attribute table. Specifically I was changing 
the values of a field used in complex labeling in individually defined 
labeling classes - 10W = 10m high white writing, 5W = 5m high white 
writing, etc.

The shapefile is present 3 times in ToC. The first is site #, second 
vegetation type, third quality. The label sizre is based on a field 
called [LglGrp]. I was editing this field when I asked myself what the 
previous instance of the shapefile looked like. Without really thinking 
I clicked on the first instance (Site #) of the shapefile to view the 
labels (without saving my changes) and BANG all hell broke loose - I had 
numerous Java Heap Errors.

I exited the program without saving and reentered. The shapefile was 
intact but the recent edits were lost (obviously). I have scoured the 
system but no error log was found.

I have tried to repeat my steps but have not been able to triggered the 
error again.

Anyone know what would have triggered such a response? Memory issues?

Cheers Simon

Simon Cropper
Botanicus Australia Pty Ltd
PO Box 160, Sunshine, Victoria 3020.
P: 9311 5822. M: 041 830 3437.
mailto: scropper at botanicusaustralia.com.au 
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