[Gvsig_english] gvSIG 1.9 error message: Can`t initialize writer: POSTGIS Writer

Joaquim Seixas mapas at sapo.pt
Tue Jan 19 11:43:10 CET 2010


I've get that error too, and I´ve discover that have to do with the
character table.
The gvSIG only works with UTF8 anf if you have the
PostGIS database configured with other character table you will get that error.
In the start I have the Portuguese table and after I change to the UTF8 and the
problem desapeared.



Em 19-01-2010 10:23, Toni Pignataro escreveu:
> Hello List.
> Trying to set up a new PostGIS Layer I get following error message:
> "Can`t initialize writer: POSTGIS Writer"
> The connection seems right, because I also tested it in gvSIG 1.1.2 and
> it works fine.
> Anyone an idea?
> Thanks and greetings.
> Toni

Joaquim Seixas
Geógrafo, especialista em Cartografia e SIG
E-mail: mapas at sapo.pt
Página: http://mapasPT.no.sapo.pt

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