[Gvsig_english] FEEDBACK gvSIG 1.9 (BN 1253) -- use of gvSIG in production environment

Anna Hodgkinson anna.hodgkinson at thehumanjourney.net
Thu Jan 21 17:38:09 CET 2010

I agree that there should be a Wiki. Especially if everybody contributes what they have already written there should be a basis for expansion in no time. 

In addition, many tools work the same way in 1.9 as in the older version so there should be nothing wrong with extracting the tutorials on these from existing documentation. 

I recently produced this Survey and GIS guide available here: 
It is based on gvSIG 1.1.2, but one task is specific for 1.9 and most other chapters are transferable.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Agustin Diez Castillo" <agustin.diez at uv.es>
To: "Users and Developers mailing list" <gvsig_internacional at listserv.gva.es>
Sent: Thursday, 21 January, 2010 15:50:27 GMT +00:00 GMT Britain, Ireland, Portugal
Subject: Re: [Gvsig_english] FEEDBACK gvSIG 1.9 (BN 1253) -- use of gvSIG in production environment

Maybe a good idea is to put hands on the wikis. Certainly a 500 pages books is a hard task but if each us write one or two pages we can reach a 40 pages booklet in no time.
I myself have some wikis (in Spanish) here [1] and there [2] to help out my students, some have already been translated into English [3] by others but, as far as they don't have tons of text, I myself can do an english version that can be proofread easily in doowikis.
[1] http://www.doowikis.com/m/GjViWfIBz4
[2] http://www.doowikis.com/m/uXwFgF6TZd
[3] http://www.doowikis.com/m/i5eNy43OTL

On Jan 21, 2010, at 4:11 PM, Chris Puttick wrote:

> ----- "silvio grosso" <grossosilvio at yahoo.it> wrote:
>> Hi Ben, 
>>> ... and now I am starting to regret that there is no gvSIGWiki!
>> The Wiki, for gvSIG, would be really useful.
>> Wolfgang Qual and others proposed it in the past but, in the end, this
>> suggestion has never been applied.
>> Luckily for us, gvSIG's development is proceeding so fast that any
>> tutorial proposed becomes outdated in no time :-)
> A wiki is just the right documentation tool for such a product! We could build a gvSIG wiki on wikidot real fast. In fact, unless someone wants to say why not, I'll set the w(iki)heels in motion...
> Cheers
> Chris
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