[Gvsig_english] FEEDBACK gvSIG 1.9 (BN 1253) -- use of gvSIG in production environment

Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas jsanz at prodevelop.es
Fri Jan 22 16:12:25 CET 2010

Hash: SHA1

On 22/01/10 13:39, Simon Cropper (Botanicus Australia Pty Ltd) wrote:
> Ben, Chris, Anna, Silvio, Antonio, Juan Lucas, and others,
> In regards to Ben's response below:- That sounds really good and 
> addresses my concern that as a community we should both contribute but 
> also be recognized for your contributions.
>     This reminds me of earlier in my career when I was asked to
>     investigate why a statewide database of wetlands was not being well
>     received by the naturalists contributing to the system. After the
>     initial flurry of contributions even the most ardent contributors
>     stopped participating. The answer was simple. The contributors did
>     not feel part of a community, they just felt like workers doing the
>     governments' job -- no recognition or feedback was a common theme in
>     the discussions.
>     Compare this to the Royal Australia Ornithologist Union (now that
>     really dates me) bird surveys. Contributors received immediate
>     feedback once records were submitted. The RAOU published several
>     books on the results of the analysis (maps, descriptions,
>     discussion) and published the name of every contributor in the book.
>     Needless to say this project continues strong and has provided
>     millions of bird records within Australia.
>     *Key components to community participation in anything is
> OK, to all an sundry, it now appears two issues that need to be resolved.
>     * *The first, *where should the wiki be stored and in what system.
>       At present we have Plone (as part of the gvSIG site) and WikiDot.
>     * The gvSIG Plone site is http://www.gvsig.org/web/. It seems
>       sensible to keep such an important resource close to the main web
>       portal. I presume we would not have a problem getting access to
>       the wiki. The current setup is a closed system and would need to
>       be reworked to provide access to whomever wanted to contribute
>       material. _Silvio, are you able to clarify whether this is even
>       possible?_
>     * The WikiDot site is http://www.wikidot.com/. Before this site is
>       considered various logistical issues need to be clarified. What
>       resources are currently available, will there be any charges, can
>       contributed content be moved later if we wanted, etc. _Chris, you
>       would need to approach your friend, to clarify what is on offer
>       and what conditions are attached._
>     * Anyone have any other suggestions? Lots of other CMS out there but
>       all would need to be hosted somewhere.

The gvSIG.org site is being used by many many people right now. The
biggest community efforts at the site is to translate contents and
prepare events like the gvSIG meeting at Munich or Trieste.

I have to say that the portal is not a wiki (you don't have the
CamelCase link creation, for example) and some people find it a little
bit hard to use. As I work with it almost every day I'm comfortable on
it, writing documents with the reStructured Text syntax, moving
contents and so on. It has some features that differ a lot from a wiki
like publication workflows, fine grained permissions, etc.

Any content there can be exported, the current gvSIG manual is
composed from dozens of pages and images into a PDF.

If you want to create a group of editors to compose tutorials, we can
create a public collaboration space and grant accounts to anyone
willing to contribute.

I would prefer this approach rather than using other wikis.

The only limitation I see to use the gvSIG portal is the license of
the contents. All the gvSIG documents are GPL. I know this is not a
document license but it's a we've been using it since the beginning of
the project. You can see it as Creative Commons Attribution-Share
alike if you want.

>     * The second issue is who will coordinate / edit / moderate the
>       wiki. I assume with the massive input of information you would
>       need a team of people that could be involved. It would be
>       overwhelming for just one person to do this.

Well, I think is a matter of organizing a group of documents and tasks
and distribute authors.

>     * This group would also need establish a Table of Contents and
>       propose a structure for each page.
>     * Should the community nominate people that should be on this
>       committee, should we vote on nominees, or should we wait until
>       someone volunteers?

The first thing is gain contributors, I think that preparing at this
time a protocol is too soon, start the space and delimit the amount of
work, better in small steps and then see we need more organization
structures to get things done.

>     *ALL IN ALL,
>          its a new year,
>              this post has stirred up new interest and
>                   reignited old interest in a community driven wiki.

Well, I think it's a perfect opportunity to start using an IRC channel
to chat about how to work on this thing, isn't it?

I propose to organize a meeting to discuss these topics next week, if
you think it's worth.

Best Regards

- -- 
Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas
Ingeniero en Geodesia y Cartografía
tfno: +34 963 510 612

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