[Gvsig_english] 2nd Latin American and Caribbean gvSIG Conference

comunicacion_gvsig at gva.es comunicacion_gvsig at gva.es
Wed Mar 24 12:54:03 CET 2010

Caracas will host the 2nd Latin American and Caribbean gvSIG  
Conference [1], organized by the CNTI, the Simón Bolívar Geographical  
Institute of Venezuela and the gvSIG Association, with the slogan:  
Bringing the nations of the world together.

This conference will be held from 12th to 16th July. The first two  
days (12th and 13th), several workshops in the field of FOSS4G will be  
carried out for both users and developers of GIS tools. During these  
two days we hope to welcome more than 150 people and technology  
transfer and knowledge transfer will be the aims of these workshops.

 From 14th to 16th July, the conference format will be different. We  
will have paper sessions, technology sessions and panel discussions,  
where we hope a considerably larger audience. We  expect the audience  
plays a central role in this conference.

Our aim is that this event serves as a meeting point where the Latin  
American Community can exchange ideas and experiences in the field of  
Geographic Information and Free Technologies.

Different experiences, practices, opinions, interpretations, in short,  
a large and diverse set of reflections, but all aimed at achieving a  
common goal: Build a new reality in which Collaboration and Solidarity  
are fundamental values.

Participation in this conference will be open to any person or  
organization interested in providing a communication, and proposals  
can be submitted for evaluation by the Scientific Committee.

The call for communication proposals is open from today until May 7th,  
2010. Information regarding regulations on communication presentations  
can be found in the Communications section of the Web page of the  
Conference [2].

[1] http://www.gvsig.org/web/community/events/jornadas-lac/2010
[2] http://www.gvsig.org/web/community/events/jornadas-lac/2010/Comunicaciones

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