[Gvsig_english] QUESTION gvSIG 1.9 (BN 1253) -- Establish aspect and slope of an area based on contour lines?

Roser soler_rossig at gva.es
Tue Mar 30 10:03:52 CEST 2010

Hi Simon,

I'm not sure to understand what you want to do.....

If you have a line shapefile where one of the fields gives you the 
altitude data the easiest thing would be going to the symbols label, on 
the layer properties and stablishing an intervals symbology, just with 
that, choosing green and brown colors you can represent the difference 
of altitude. If you had the same information on a polygon shape I guess 
you could try and do the same.

Another posibility that comes to my mind is to use Sextante, an 
extension that you would have to install on gvSIG, but to tell you the 
thruth, as I'm not sure what kind of data do you have and the proceses 
you need to perfom I'm not sure to recomend you that...

Sorry I'm not of much help


Simon Cropper wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a shapefile showing contours across a region.
> Visual inspection of the vector data suggests that various subregions 
> have different aspects/bearings and slope.
> Is there a way using gvSIG or any of its plugins to visualize or 
> categorize this data?
> My desired output would be a polygon file with the attribute field 
> aspect/bearing and slope.
> -- 
> Cheers Simon
> Simon Cropper
> Botanicus Australia Pty Ltd
> PO Box 160, Sunshine, Victoria 3020.
> P: 9311 5822. M: 041 830 3437.
> mailto: scropper at botanicusaustralia.com.au 
> <mailto:scropper at botanicusaustralia.com.au>
> web: www.botanicusaustralia.com.au <http://www.botanicusaustralia.com.au>
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