[Gvsig_english] gv_sig and future on mac os

gmail pvmstg at gmail.com
Fri Oct 22 01:00:22 CEST 2010

Hi Simon,

I thing this is not a forum to promote one or and other os.  I was  
just putting light on a drawback of this new situation for mac user to  
migrate to gv_sig.  Fine if you like unbuntu which is a verry good  
os.  But, I work all day in window I have unbuntu on my mac but... for  
now at least, for me the user choose the os... for me is osX.  So it's  
unfortunate, for me but I will have the choice of playing "roulette  
russe" with gv_sig or going to a more secure gis.

Le 10-10-21 à 18:04, Simon Cropper a écrit :

> Hi All,
> On Friday 22 October 2010 2:23:16 am Chris Puttick wrote:
>> what then?
> My son has been using a iMac for several years and resisted moving  
> away from
> the computer and its operating system for all the wrong reasons  
> (i.e. vendor
> lock in with iPhone, iTunes, etc).
> Recently he moved away from his iPhone and now only use iTunes and  
> comparable
> music related products.
> Faced with an operating system that only allowed Apple products and  
> one that
> in recent times is just getting slower and slower (a bit like  
> windows XP and
> Vista was doing a year or so back), I convinced him to move to  
> Ubuntu (well he
> really convinced himself as I have been nagging him for sometime.  
> The pivotal
> point was when he saw me log on and open a program on my machine in  
> seconds
> compared to minutes on his).
> After backing up his system (2-3 hours), it took less than one hour  
> to set up
> the base system in Ubuntu. He is enjoying the OS, the 'free'  
> software and
> lightning fast OS (at least compared to OS-X).
> Where to from here? Move your iMac to Ubuntu. You won't be sorry.
> I know it sound drastic but it really isn't.
> P.S. It's funny how things are not apparent until they hit you in  
> the face. My
> son, while looking at the various movies he had downloaded to  
> iTunes, asked me
> how he could view these files as they were in a proprietary format  
> that could
> only be read by Apple software. He was livid that he could not view  
> these files
> using other software as he had paid good money for these movies.  
> After a bit
> of searching we were able to find a conversion routine written in  
> Open Source
> that could convert the apple movie format to a more commonly  
> encountered and
> used format.
> -- 
> Cheers Simon
> 	Simon Cropper
> 	Botanicus Australia Pty Ltd
> 	PO Box 160 Sunshine 3020
> 	P: 03 9311 5822. M: 041 830 3437
> 	W: http://www.botanicusaustralia.com.au
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